Vol. 24 No. 1 (2024): January-April

Editor’s Note
It is my great honor to become a new Editor-in-Chief of AMJAM after the previous Editor-in-Chief, Professor Anucha Apisarnthanarak, M.D. who has contributed significantly to the transformation of AMJAM and the improvement of the journal in regards to scientific value and quality of its published articles. With some changes in and new recruitment of the Editorial Board members, we commit to the continuing dissemination of research results in the fields of Medicine and Alternative Medicine and thrive to become one of the leading journals included in worldwide-accepted scientific citation databases. For this current issue, AMJAM publishes original articles addressing medical properties of various Thai traditional remedies, reviews on adult intraosseous infusion and role of digital health in FGIDs and a rare case report of disseminated nocardiosis, which should be of interest and educational among our readers.
Thana Khawcharoenporn, M.D., M.Sc.
Professor of Medicine
Asian Medical Journal and Alternative Medicine